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Executive Management Committee Watch in English Ver en Español

Thu 7/20/2023
11:00 a.m.
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza 3rd Floor Board Room

Board Reports

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19. 2023-0438 AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute Modification No. 1 to Contract No.PS71009000 with Civilian, Inc. for advertising and communication services in the amount of $1,500,000, ... Approved View Download
20. 2023-0432 RECEIVE AND FILE July 2023 State and Federal Legislative Report. None View Download
21. 2023-0400 RECEIVE AND FILE Citizens’ Advisory Council (CAC) Update. None View Download
22. 2023-0387 RECEIVE AND FILE the status report on the pilot intervention strategies to improve community health and safety at Westlake/MacArthur Park Station (WMP). None View Download
23. 2023-0376 RECEIVE AND FILE the Results of the Evaluation of the MicroTransit Pilot Project. None View Download
24. 2023-0462 APPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn, Dupont-Walker, Solis, Butts, and Sandoval that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to provide progress updates on the following: A. Implementing the ... Approved View Download
2023-0421 RECEIVE General Public Comment None View Download